
Portfolio Photo Gallery Auckland Wide

Based on 123 reviews
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Christel Fouche
02:12 08 Aug 22
I had the pleasure of meeting and working with Ilan to obtain professional photographs for my social media platforms. I am not photogenic. I do not like being photographed. Ilan had his work cut out with this project. Not only, did he meet with my expectations - he exceeded them. Thank you for your approach and for the high level of photos I could choose from and use as requested. Christel.PS: I Googled four photographers. Ilan was the only one that came back to me! Good, fast, exceptional services.
Manaakitia Taiapa
06:10 07 Jun 22
Absolutely awesome! I'm kind of a shy person and Ilan made me feel really comfortable, he even tried his best to make my baby feel comfortable even though she was in a bad mood. Definitely recommend Wow Photography.
Brian Doyle
05:06 07 Jun 22
Ilan provided a brilliant experience for our family. We had a few reluctant models and he was great at putting everyone at ease and getting the best possible shots in an awesome location he chose for us. We were extremely pleased with the final results and have both a memory and a record of that memory for a lifetime. Thanks Ilan.
Dana Hill
08:54 06 May 22
Ilan is an incredible photographer! Not only did he take amazing photographs of me, he turned them into a work of art. He has a knack for composition that really encompasses the subject.I am extremely proud of the art that he captured for me and cannot recommend him enough.
Marjolein Vries
10:58 28 Apr 22
Ilan is a great photographer with an amazing eye for creating captivating images. Very intelligent man that likes to think outside the box. A true gentleman that loves to talk a lot!! 🤣 I loved every story and experience he shared with me.

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