
Glamour Photography Auckland

Check out the Boudoir portfolio, Edgy Portraits collection and Windows to the Soul.

Glamour Photographer Auckland

“Looking gorgeous and feeling like a star” that’s the feedback I often get from my glamour clients. Visit Wow Photography studio for a princess glamour or lingere portrait session. This is your opportunity to live your dreams with intimate photographs that evoke deep emotions! Bring with you a collection of your best outfits, including jewellery, fancy shoes, hats and scarves to make your glamour portraits unique and special. The glamour session will leave you feeling like a star with vivid memories that will last a lifetime. I am committed to creating fun and warm atmosphere so you are completely relaxed and looking at your best. You will look and feel great while I work with you to create real magic! As a glamour photographer in Auckland, I specialise in bringing out your confidence and beauty through stunning, high-end portraits.
Please use nude make up, eye definition and blusher and avoid foundation with illuminate. Freshly shave under arms and legs the morning of your appointment. Do your hair a couple of days before your portrait session so it is easier to style. Wear loose clothes to avoid underwear imprints and bring lots of props and accessories.
Glamour photos come in a beautiful set of 10, 15, 20 or 25 matted prints. They are professionally mounted (mats are four ply, smooth Crescent board in black or white finish) and come inside a stylish folio box with a magnetic latch. There is no need for framing as the mounted portraits will decorate any table or mantelpiece and will be a feature in your living room or study. Check out the Folio Box page for more information.
© Copyright - Ilan Wittenberg 2024 | Auckland Photographer of the Year | Wow Photography Studio: 1025 Beach Road, Torbay, North Shore, Auckland |T & C

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