A professional headshot may be your first and only chance to make a strong impression. Running a business requires engagement with prospect and generating new leads. Your staff portraits will be their first impression when checking your website or online profile. a good portrait photo is not just lit properly and cropped properly, this is given as bare minimum. Your portrait photos should tell a story and evoke feelings of trust, integrity, confidence and professionalism. Your profile photo is key in your website’s about section, your LinkedIn profile, or your contact page. Check out the Basic Package for a license to use your portrait in website, Power Point presentations, business cards, LinkedIn, online dating, social media, advertising brochures, buses, billboards, magazines, gift vouchers and email signature to name a few.
People do business with people – not with a company. Commercial portraits are an important business tool that is used extensively in the corporate world . Uses of a business portrait include: your web page, a prominent business profile on your company’s website, business cards, social media websites such as LinkedIn, banners, cars, etc. A good business portrait conveys your personality traits and displays your character in the most positive and flattering way. It helps introducing you to people who will be able to attach a face to the name and ease communication. The key to a great commercial portrait is creating quick rapport, connecting to your personality, understanding the message that you wish to convey and your unique skill set or proficiency. Body language is key so I ensure that you feel confident and relaxed throughout the photo shoot. I typically take 60-100 photographs in a photo session but present you with only the best 15-20 on a web album. This helps in narrowing down the choice and in making the most out of our time together.
Creating group shots is proven to be one of the best exercises to engage staff and for team building, here is a sample album
Wow Photography Limited carries indemnity and public liability insurance. I am 2015, 2016, 2018, 2020 & 2021 Auckland Photographer of the Year with over 15 years of portrait photography experience. Check out my customer’s reviews on Trademe, Google and Facebook. Here are some of the companies that chose to work with me:
Corporate & Commercial - professional portraits and headshots
A soft copy image is all that's required for your website or business card. Ideal for anyone promoting your website, your profile photograph on LinkedIn, corporates and real estate agents including license to use your portrait in website, presentations, business cards, LinkedIn etc.
Commercial portraits are an important business tool that is used extensively in the corporate world . Uses of a business portrait include: your web page, a prominent business profile on your company's website, business cards, social media websites such as LinkedIn, banners, cars, etc. A good business portrait conveys the personality traits and displays your character in a most positive and flattering way. It will help introduce you to people who will be able to attach a face to the name and will ease communication. The key to a great commercial portrait is creating quick rapport, connecting to your personality, understanding the message that you wish to convey and then determining the composition, the light and the best side to present you (we all have a better side of our face). Body language is key so I ensure that you feel confident and relaxed throughout the photo shoot. I typically take about 100 photographs in a photo session but present you with only the best 15-20 on a web album so helping you in making this choice and in making the most out of our time together.
Here are some of the companies that chose to work with me:
© Copyright - Ilan Wittenberg 2024 | Auckland Photographer of the Year | Wow Photography Studio: 1025 Beach Road, Torbay, North Shore, Auckland |T & C